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Phones/Computers/Internet » What is a data base by: Jackson2(m) .:. Sun, 27 Jun, 2021 - 04:49:43:pm GMT

Generally, a database is any organised collection of data. For example, the local telephone directory is a database, so also is the card catalogue
at the local library. A computerised database is a collection of data which can be created and used in many different ways by means of a special computer software.

The database software, which enables you to create and manage a database, is called a database management system. Any sort of information can be collected in a data base names, address, grades, phone numbers, salaries, sales figures, customers, examination scores, medical records, etc.

Once the database has been prepared on the computer, it can be manipulated to provide exactly the information that is required. What is a Database?A Database System is a record keeping system whose overall purpose is to maintain information and to make that information available on demand.

It typically consists of four major components, namely the database itself, the computer hardware system on which the software is running, and the major users of the system.

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Re: What is a data base by: Jackson2(m) .:. Sun, 27 Jun, 2021 - 04:50:47:pm GMT

data base make keeping record of information in an easily accessible form has always been a major problem for organisations. Keeping data records manually is often time consuming and prone to a high degree of errors or mistakes .

It is time Consuming to add files to the file cabinets and to add data to individual paper files. It also takes a great deal of effort and time to produce required information and reports from selected records. organisations are turning to database software for their records keeping functions.

Database software performs records keeping tasks very efficiently. Instead of storing data in paper files and cabinets,
organisations store data in electronic form on a computer disk; making it
easy to store, manipulate and retrieve information from files almost

A database is usually organised around a specific theme or requirement,for example; counting database, personnel data, medical records, examination data. sales, marketing. admission, etc. A database is organised in a table A field is a single column of information of the same type, such as people's names.
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Re: What is a data base by: Samuel23(m) .:. Mon, 28 Jun, 2021 - 09:42:03:am GMT

It's helps alot
When it comes to date Base,you know more than what you ask for
More than your understand
You meet new things you have ever seen
Just like this platform..


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