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Careers/Employment/Vacancies » What Job do you hate the most. by: Queen(f) .:. Sat, 26 Nov, 2022 - 10:08:07:pm GMT
For Jobs I hate marketings the most.
This is because I feel that a product should market itself.
If that product is really good, you don't need a marketer, the product will market itself.
when someone buys and uses it, the results will automatically make the person to start marketing it without even knowing.

but when you have to go around convincing people, then it's not necessary. and I don't like it.

And most times they don't even pay well and they will be giving you plenty unreasonable targets they themselves can't meet up.

And you will go out to get embarassed by people who normal day can't even talk to you in the name of making.


**It is well**

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Re: What Job do you hate the most. by: Obajichi(f) .:. Mon, 30 Jan, 2023 - 10:08:17:am GMT

The job I hate most is the marketing job.

Most times, you are paid on commission basis or on how well you reach your target.

It's stressful especially if the marketers are not fully mobile.

You have to spend so much time convincing and persuading especially if you're not talkative.
**I love being me.**

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Re: What Job do you hate the most. by: Rachael(f) .:. Tue, 14 Mar, 2023 - 04:04:59:pm GMT

In this current situation of the county can you say you hate a particular job? If we know how hard it is for people to eat or survive, we won't say there's a job we hate because that's where they got their living from. Although, there are people that specify the type of job they want and by God's grace they got what they want.

It is advisable not to look down on people working or doing the work you think you hate. You need to know that what you don't like is what others prefer and not that they also prefer it from their hearts. It is just that they have no choice but to follow and do what will make them survive.

Learn how to keep your opinion in matters like this so that your words won't upset those people doing the job you hate.

**Life is good**

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