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Romance » The difference between love and a crush by: SamuelKingsley93(m) .:. Mon, 13 Mar, 2023 - 03:06:33:pm GMT
Love and a crush have similar butterflies in the stomach effect but they are two distinct feelings. Major difference between love and a crush are:

Love is a deeper emotional state than a crush. Love is a strong emotional bond that develops over time through shared experiences, bonding and an intimate connection. A crush is just a intense infatuation attraction based on physical appearance.

Durability: Love is enduring, patient and can last a lifetime, whereas a crush is often short-lived and may fade away quickly especially when the person do something that annoys you.

Level of Commitment: Love involves a high level of commitment and a willingness to work through challenges and difficult times. A crush is often based on idealized fantasies and may not involve any commitment at all.

Maturity: Love is a mature emotion that comes with experience and self-awareness, whereas a crush is often associated with youthful infatuation.

Simple put, crush is basically an infatuation like when a handsome and well dressed guy just walk by and you are tripping or for girls when she has that 8 figure cute and well dressed or not.

But love is different, love is when you have eventually meet the person and spend some time together, get to know her flaws and you choose to accept it, because your feeling for the person is strong than that and you don't mind using all your time to correct her flaws.

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**Samuel Kingsley**

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