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Religion » HELL CAN'T OVERSHADOW YOUR LIGHT by: Osaroju(m) .:. Sat, 05 Jun, 2021 - 12:29:39:pm GMT
There is an analogy that goes like this.

Imagine that you are in a very thick dark room. So dark that you couldn't even see your hand in front of your face.

Now also imagine that a Firefly as little as it is, enters into that darkness in the room.

The question now is, would the light of the fly be hindered by the darkness in the room?

Of course, NO.

Now it's same with the way we are.
In Isaiah 60 from verse 1 downwards and also in Matthew 5:16. It is clear here in these scriptures that firstly, we are lights as Christians and we have the ability to shine. Not just having the ability, we are mandated to shine, especially in a dark world.

Now just as the darkness in that our imaginary room couldn't overshadow the light from the fly, so also the darkness in the world can't withstand ours too.

**Don't be a good student and a bad teacher.**

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