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Health » CAUSES OF BROWN TEETH by: SamuelKingsley93(m) .:. Mon, 26 Sep, 2022 - 09:09:07:am GMT

That moment, your smile and the beautiful set of brown teeth set in and every one starts stepping back is not just the demerits of brown teeth but it is also a sign of oral health problem that has to be dealt with immediately.
There are ways to deal with it but it will be discussed on any article. This article will be focusing on the major causes of brown teeth.

The nicotine contain in Cigarettes is one of the common causes of brown set of teeth. It happens when you are done smoking and ignores the residue of nicotine in the form of brown stains in the mouth.

2.Hereditary factors
Not only height and face are hereditary. Brown teeth too can be inherited from one generation to another. Having brown teeth is more of like a genetic disorders such as dentinogenesis imperfecta, which causes brown spot to
appear on the teeth. Some person can have very white teeth while some have slight yellow or beige. So it is not surprising that in a family, the members both have brown and white set of teeth.

3. Drugs and Diseases
Some drugs mostly taken by pregnant women or children at infancy, can cause brown set of teeth. Drugs used in medications and diabetes patients such as glibenclamide and tetracycline antibiotics can also stain teeth.
Certain medical condition like celiac disease can cause tooth decay, including brown teeth.

4. Dark-coloured food and drinks
Dark-coloured food and drinks can cause its remains to stick to the teeth of the user and over time with poor dental hygiene, it could lead to tooth discoluration.
Foods and drinks that has high risk of teeth discoluration include tea, coffee, red wine, soda, pomegranates, berries such as strawberries and blueberries.

5. Teeth conditions
Some tooth conditions like Enamel hypoplasia, tartar, can cause the appearance of brown teeth. Tartar can be avoid if one has a good and proper teeth hygiene, it caused by the bacteria in the mouth that mix with saliva and various left-over food particle in the mouth to form dental plague
that later develops to a more strong and settle permanent layer called tartar or calculus.
Enamel hypoplasia is mostly caused by genetic factors or environment factors. Its a condition whereby the enamel layer, the outer layer of the tooth is not fully formed.

Lack of dental care, can cause holes in the teeth cavities, which is normally caused by bacteria these holes accumulated by bacteria in the holes, release acids that damages the enamel, when the enamel layer is damaged, the underlying layer called dentin, which is yellow-brown in colour, becomes more visible.
If not treated immediately, it can cause severe condition like black coloured teeth when the holes becomes bigger and the damages spread.

**Samuel Kingsley**

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Re: CAUSES OF BROWN TEETH by: Wonders(f) .:. Mon, 03 Oct, 2022 - 04:37:33:am GMT

Thanks so much for shading light to teeth issues in this post. For me, this is an eye-opener, you might be wondering "why is that so?"

Well, for as long as I've known what having white teeth means, I've known that I don't have one. I have a somewhat yellowish set of teeth, they look somehow, don't look healthy, it's as I'm growing older that they're now looking better.

The funny thing is since all my life, I've never been an avid lover of sweets and chewing gum. However, to everyone in school throughout my primary and secondary school days, I have brown teeth. And it's because I eat sweet and chew gum and I don't clean my teeth well.

I suffer a lot of bad name-calling and withdrawal from people in school. And that reduces my self-esteem, I know I try to brush my teeth well, I know I don't eat sweet and chewing gums like that, just once in a blue moon. But I let everything people in school say get to me because I didn't know where the problem was coming from.

So after secondary school, I traveled to Abuja and my sis friend who's a dentist said that it was inborn for me. He claimed my teeth are that way because I lack the pigment that whitens teeth in my body and I was born that way.

It was so much relief that it wasn't my fault my teeth are like that and for the first time in a long while, I could laugh and open my teeth comfortably. Seeing your post tonight reminds me of my teeth and it brought me to the conclusion that I need to walk into a dentist's office as soon as I'm capable enough to and let them check my teeth.

Thanks for this information, having brown or any other color of teeth aside from white is one of the worst things that can happen to someone. Especially a young person, therefore this post goes a long way in educating us more on how we should take care of our teeth.

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Re: CAUSES OF BROWN TEETH by: Wonders(f) .:. Wed, 05 Oct, 2022 - 03:39:47:am GMT

After making a post here about my teeth and about how it has improved over the past few years. I've been asking myself what I'm doing differently now that I wasn't doing before.

Today while eating the bone of my meat, I realized that, more than ever before, I've been eating meat here. I left my family home like four years ago.

All my life with my family, we hardly eat meat, it just fish. I remember how my mum will always try to force me to eat the bone of fish but I'm always afraid to do because it's risky if it get stuck in one's throat. I remember that a point my dad gave me calcium drugs because of my teeth but no change.

However, since I left four years ago, there has been change in my teeth. I guess it because I eat meat, especially the bone of meat and then I feed more healthier than I was before coming here. I'm grateful though.

My reason for posting this is because I feel like feeding well have a lot to do with how someone's teeth will be. I know the country is hard but please we should try to feed on heathy food. May God always put good food in our mouth to eat.

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Re: CAUSES OF BROWN TEETH by: Rachael(f) .:. Wed, 26 Oct, 2022 - 11:03:20:am GMT

Hygiene is the practice of maintaining health and preventing disease through cleanliness. There are different types of hygiene ; personal hygiene , kitchen hygiene , food hygiene and many others.

Personal hygiene is very important in our lives as humans. We should have some practices which are bathing ,washing our hands and brushing our teeth.

We lack personal hygiene which can lead to brown teeth, there many factors that causes brown teeth:
Foods/drinks like coffee , tea cause stains on the teeth which lead to brown teeth. Some starchy foods like pasta can cause stains on the teeth and lack of cleanliness can cause brown teeth if we don't brush daily

•Poor hygiene can cause brown teeth, and lack of cleanliness which is brushing of teeth. Many people lack good hygiene and this causes brown teeth.

•Calcium deficiency can cause discoloration of teeth and this leads to brown teeth.

•Genes also cause brown teeth , in some cases brown teeth can be inherited from parents. Brown teeth can also be through heredity.

But in many cases brown teeth are caused by lack of cleanliness. So, to avoid brown teeth we all should have the habit of cleanliness.

**Life is good**

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Re: CAUSES OF BROWN TEETH by: PrinceBenjamin(m) .:. Thu, 10 Nov, 2022 - 12:00:37:am GMT

The causes of brown teeth sometimes can be our fault and sometimes it is not ours. my mum told me that must people that I see with brown teeth is because of that sickness that they went through when they were still little while others were duo to lack of brushing the teeth. If you don't brush you teeth well it will only get brown and smoking also makes a teeth to be brown. To avoid brow teeth you must avoid smoking , taking of too much chocolate spoilers the teeth also, you must constantly have a cleaning hygiene to avoid bad and brown teeth. The most important is to make sure to brush you teeth well when you are younger.mist persones did when they were younger did not brush there teeth very well and that was what resulted to them having brown teeth now .
**Prince Benjamin**

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