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Religion » Arise by: Osaroju(m) .:. Sun, 17 Jan, 2021 - 01:58:30:pm GMT
Isa 60:1

Life is like a current, when it manifest, what is seen is light. There's a beauty in difference, the difference of God is holiness and when it's seen it's glory.

You walk, are pulled, propelled towards where you look

The ability to envision a thing is an indication that it is already done.
The light is already upon me, choose to shine. God says shine.

Change your mind set
Change your values
Set yourself to take possession

Matt 5:16

Don't appear before men like a work. When you appear before men look like you need help, you won't get it. Men don't like to help people who think they need them

**Don't be a good student and a bad teacher.**

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Re: Arise by: Oluwatomisin(f) .:. Wed, 03 Feb, 2021 - 06:29:34:am GMT

Dear brothers and Sisters it’s time to arise and shine because your light as come and glory of the Lord has been risen upon you. Enough of the Luke warmness because God despise those who are either hot nor cold. Even we human beings hate those who are neither cold nor hot because you won’t know if they are on your side or they are against you. The World is changing and is revolving fast day by day thereby bringing a lot of different things into the world. There are different people with different perspective and view about life which can make you want to doubt your salvation and that’s the same reason why you need to arise if not, you will join the crowd and later get lost in it.

Whenever we hear the word arise people do think it’s to move from their seated position not knowing that Arise is not limited to our physical status instead it runs through our spiritual life and all areas of our life. Firstly, we need to arise in our spiritual life if we’ve noticed that we are not coming up or burning like before its very necessary to always check our lifestyles and see if it’s related to God’s agenda and purpose for all human beings if not you need to ask him to help you remain focused. Always remember this world will pass away and those things that we can see will remain forever so in short always think about Eternal life.

Financially, we also need to arise if we see that things aren’t going on well with our pockets. We need to be successful and also excel financially in order to live a peaceful and comfortable life. Poverty is not good and it shouldn’t be seen or permitted in our lives because God’s agenda for human is not for us to be poor instead he wants us to share in his riches and glory because it’s our inheritance. You need to ask God if things aren’t working well for you or maybe your business is suffering from loss you need divine wisdom and understanding and all this can’t be gotten from anyhow source because it’s a mystery and for you to unravel a mystery you need to be a partner with God.

As a student you also need to arise academically. Our career is also important the moment we are still on earth because for you to live a successful life on earth, your career needs to be worked upon though many people called school a scam but am glad to tell you that those calling it scam actually knows the value and they are always ready to pay the price therefore don’t be deceived. God has made you a light so therefore be ready to shine the light in your academic career. Refused to join the sets of people that doesn’t value education though it might look as if it’s not working but then look a little bit further you see the beauty in it.

Finally, stop deceiving yourself when you know that you are still lagging behind and maybe the word Arise haven’t been affecting your life instead sit down and think. Have a logical thinking because your thinking will determine the types of plan you will make in order to step forward in life. Don’t give up instead keep striving hard because one day you will get there and you will enjoy the fruits therefore. 

**Always put God first **

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Re: Arise by: Abbey(m) .:. Wed, 03 Feb, 2021 - 08:15:45:am GMT

To arise out to take a  step on your ways or mode of getting things done, arising is taking a picture map ahead of your life, no one to render any assistance to you by this days  it is left to you to discover yourself. 

Arise mean to pick up your race of life because life is full of risk all days are full of  evil deed but with prayer we can change things for better, In this world you meet different people with different paspective advice from different angles but one has to be very careful. 
Think positive always you can be poor today but don't make use of that as an excuse to ruin your life down sit tight plan ahead and take a decision to find a way forward. 
Don't depend on anyone because people can promise you  and at the end they will fail you, arise and take action on  your  way of life. 

**Abbey **

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Re: Arise by: Fashnet(m) .:. Sat, 06 Feb, 2021 - 06:10:58:am GMT

@Oluwatomisin: Nice contribution you put in there as the scriptures puts it that we should arise for the glory of the Lord is risen, the glory of the Lord is come. This has to do with faith and determination to arise and get up.

  I believe this has to do with getting from any kind of condition that we might find ourselves in. This condition can be a messy one or a very bad state of isolation and total write off of any kind of situation that can make a person to loose mind.

  The holy scriptures is giving us all hope to get up and arise. I believe this means that no bad condition is permanent or there is no single person that cannot make it in life if we act step by step according to God's instructions and guidance.

  There are many people in the world today with so many different kinds of problems all around them and unending trouble and it feels like there is no more hope of making it in life or it seems like there is no form of solution to the problems.

  The part of the holy scriptures is giving hope to everyone that is alive that there is God and that there is a way out of the problems on the list. Just as it is been said that as long as there is life there is hope. This part of the holy scriptures is reaffirming this statement.

  A very good example to reference on is the story of the lame men in the Bible in the time of drought and total famine that there was no food to eat and no feasible hope of survival at all but the lame men decided to make a move from where they were.

  They concluded that it is better to move than to die in their static position of life where there is no hope of survival and as they moved to live and try, it worked out for them as they got to the land of plenty and their stories changed.

**Help the needy and love everyone**

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Re: Arise by: KestyBrown(m) .:. Sat, 06 Feb, 2021 - 08:09:44:am GMT

Arise and show forth your glory, arise and shine. As children of God, it is expected of us from our heavenly father that we shine greatly amongst our equals. No matter all ramifications of life, be it spiritual, academics, financially or in other facets of life, it is expected that believers in christ are to reach full potential and manifest great and marvelous things. As the Bible says "Seest thou a man diligent in his business, he shall stand before kings and not ordinary men". From this statement, we can deduce that to shine greatly amongst all odds, it is expected that one is disciplined and diligent in what he/she does. To attain Greatness or to Arise and shine greatly, there are some things an individual must do, some of which includes the following.

1. Individuals are expected to be steadfast and not to be lazy. Here, individuals that want to rise, should take into consideration the need not to procrastinate or push activities that is to be done for a particular time to a latter date. Just do it at that instance of time. 
2. Another option, is to have the zeal to surround yourself with positive minded people. As the Bible tells us the story of the three Hebrew children (shedrack, meshack and abednego) as well as Daniel, they were found worthy and ten times better than their equals. This was so, due to the togetherness and likeness of positive minded people.
3. Live a live worthy of emulation. People who tend to rise amongst their equals should live a life of example towards others so they can learn from them or model their character or also use them as examples to others.
There are other factors that leads one to arise to achieve greatness, but all in all, a believer should put his trust in GOD and pray always, believing in God at all times, this is the first and foremost important thing to be done to Arise and Shine. 

**The pursuit of Excellence is gratifying and healthy **

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Re: Arise by: Holashayo(f) .:. Sat, 06 Feb, 2021 - 11:52:58:am GMT

Isaiah 60:1 
Arise, shine; for thy light is come, and the glory of the Lord is risen upon thee.

It is time to move way from your confusing and meaningless life..,Arise,  and build up the old wastes, raise up the former desolations, and repair the waste cities. 
Rise, and become the tree of righteousness, which God has planted.
Arise and gain your strength in the Lord Jesus Christ, the author and finisher of your faith.
What sort of challenges, afflictions or calamities are you facing now., Jesus Christ supers it all..,for Jesus Christ says in Matthew 11:28; come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, I will give you rest..,He shall anoint you with oil of Joy for mourning, and wear you garment of praise for heaviness.
Now is the time to let go of your worries and become whole.
Arise, and wake up from your sleep.


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