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Culture » GRADE YOUR INTEGRITY by: Fashnet(m) .:. Sun, 09 Aug, 2020 - 10:57:02:am GMT
Integrity is known to be Steadfast adherence to a strict moral or ethical code and this goes a long way to make or set an economy or culture ablaze. The following can help resharpen our mind:

Do you usually put more sugar in your tea when you are in a hotel than you do at home, You're likely to be corrupt also do you use more tissue in a public restroom than you do at home, you are a potential thief if given opportunity.

Again if you serve yourself more food than you can finish, not minding whether it will go round, just because someone else is footing the bill, you're greedy and you might likely steal if opportunity comes your way.

Are you more concerned about knowing someone's surname rather than first name, you're likely to be a tribal bigot. It's even worse when someone tells you their name and then you ask, "which tribe is that?" It means you are tribalistic.

Finally do you usually overtake while in traffic jam or have no regard for traffic lights, then you would easily embezzle public funds if you're given a position at a public office since you hate regulation . Guide your integrity to save our culture.

**Help the needy and love everyone**

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Re: GRADE YOUR INTEGRITY by: MichealThankGod(m) .:. Sun, 09 Aug, 2020 - 02:05:38:pm GMT

Grade your integrity is the same as building your integrity.

So many people spend time and money in looking for political influence, power, wealth, and a lot of vain things.
Believe me all this are worth looking and chasing after but the happiness is that they are  all are attracted to an outstanding integrity 

That why some do say if you chase after money, you won't get it, but there are things that attract money, influence, power, high post.

But there are some quality an human would have in his or her life, money will surely be attracted to him.
And is what I bring to you integrity.

Now building your integrity.
1. You must be someone, 
     Who is Faithful.
2. You must be someone who 
      Can be trusted.
3.  Your loyalty must be in a 
       Very quality one
4.  You must not be
5.  You must be Humble 
      And quite

**Ogun state**

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Re: GRADE YOUR INTEGRITY by: Fashnet(m) .:. Wed, 12 Aug, 2020 - 07:15:55:pm GMT


Nice response you put down there. I really like this aspect as you put forward:

 Now building your integrity.
1. You must be someone,
Who is Faithful.
2. You must be someone who
Can be trusted.
3. Your loyalty must be in a
Very quality one
4. You must not be
5. You must be Humble
And quiet....

  If all these can be well placed, then all will be well.

**Help the needy and love everyone**

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Re: GRADE YOUR INTEGRITY by: Princess(f) .:. Tue, 18 Aug, 2020 - 05:09:16:am GMT


Integrity is the quality of being honest and having strong morals principles. It involves not compromising good moral standards doing the right thing at all time not minding the circumstances.

People who have integrity can gain the trust of others easily because they are truthful and trustworthy themselves. They are able to relate well with others and are seen as dependable individuals.

A person who decides to live with integrity had decided to respect his or herself first and then respect others. Showing respect for oneself and others is realy important.

Having integrity is well shown when your behavior matches the principles you preach. One who lives with integrity is able to make an impact (positively) in the lives of others.

Individuals and organization appreciate people who have integrity, they search for them as a precious stone. They have access to great and mouth watering opportunities.

As nice as the benefits attached to living with integrity might seem, developing the lifestyle might be difficult at first but it's worth it.


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Re: GRADE YOUR INTEGRITY by: Princess(f) .:. Tue, 18 Aug, 2020 - 05:10:25:am GMT

Living a life of integrity involves conscious efforts or steps taken by an individual. You can start living a life of integrity by learning to keep to keep to your word. Changing your word each time or denying them speaks less of you. It would speak volume of how undependable you are. If you need to say something, be sure you are ready to take responsibility for it.

Then, try to avoid conflicting situations as much as possible. Anything that is not right or straight forward has the potential to cause conflict or most times implicate you. "A good name is better than riches", avoid things that would put a dent on your image.

Also, be very honest about your judgement (apply wisdom) and try not to compromise beause of tough people times.

Controlling try way you talk would also help. Do not be quick to make decisions and promises., take out time and think things through thoroughly.

Integrity is a dying virtue, some people now would prefer selling their integrity while some do not have any, for those who have this virtue, there are people who still appreciate it.


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Re: GRADE YOUR INTEGRITY by: Fashnet(m) .:. Fri, 21 Aug, 2020 - 08:00:58:am GMT

@Princess: Lovely view from you, the application is what most what people lack and if we can align this into due course, a better place and nation we have for ourselves and the generations that will come after.
**Help the needy and love everyone**

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Re: GRADE YOUR INTEGRITY by: Fashnet(m) .:. Fri, 21 Aug, 2020 - 08:05:41:am GMT

@MichealThankGod: Thanks for your contribution and view I must tell you that when integrity is put in practice, it goes after such person or groups and speaks the person or group involved and it really add value to the entities goodwill.
**Help the needy and love everyone**

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Re: GRADE YOUR INTEGRITY by: Temmylove(f) .:. Mon, 21 Sep, 2020 - 05:11:25:pm GMT

Gbam! You really hit it. 
Integrity starts from the heart. When your heart is not clear and plain, it will be difficult to act as a person of integrity.

Let's check the life of Daniel for example.
Daniel 1:5 And the king appointed them a daily provision of the king's meat, and of the wine which he drank: so nourishing them three years, that at the end thereof they might stand before the king.
Daniel 1:6 Now among these were of the children of Judah, Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah:
 Daniel 1:7 Unto whom the prince of the eunuchs gave names: for he gave unto Daniel the name of Belteshazzar; and to Hananiah, of Shadrach; and to Mishael, of Meshach; and to Azariah, of Abed-nego.
Daniel 1:8 But Daniel purposed in his heart that he would not defile himself with the portion of the king's meat, nor with the wine which he drank: therefore he requested of the prince of the eunuchs that he might not defile himself.

Daniel is a man of integrity. For Daniel to do that in a strange land, I mean to abstain from the things that will defile him, he has first determine in his heart and he has always been like that even in his own land.

To become a person of integrity is not a day job , it is a personal training day by day that can make you a full person of integrity. If is not so easy to do , it is just what you have to do to be free from every form of accusation.
Do you know that when people know you to be a man or woman of integrity , they will gladly speak on your behalf..

A man or woman of integrity is always loved by all. It is an act that can benefit many around you. Your child migjt not deserve the help or favour  but it can be given unto Jim or her just because of the act of the mother.
I enjoyed such grace because of the act of integrity my mother showed at her place of work am still enjoying it up till today.

 Let's all get our integrity and one thing I know is that there's always room for improvement but let's do it as fast as possible because we never can tell what tomorrow holds for us. 

**God's will be done**

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